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Cats Play Owners Away Glass Wall Art


The tourists have stopped along the road to watch the farm animals.

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“Cats Play-Owners Away glass wall art ” is developed in three stages. First the background 2 pieces of glass are fused   to get a nice clear and smooth panel. Secondly, at the next stage,  individual parts of the story are created  to tell the onlooker a story.

On this panel many embellishments are dichroic glass which  reflect and refract the light. Returning this panel into the kiln, with the addition of the story parts at a lower temperature,  results in the three dimensional appearance of the individual parts.

To duplicate the shape of the mold, the piece eventually returned  to the kiln and was  placed on a stainless steel wavy mold at a lower temperature. As shown above, it was accomplished.

Fun and whimsy permeate the piece.

A handmade black aluminum frame completes the process.


Weight 20 lbs
Dimensions 23 × 6 in